Teaching coding - complete course
Everything you need to teach students how to code and make iPhone apps.
This is comprehensive course that teaches participants how to code. There is a specific focus on learning to use Xcode to make iPhone apps, as well as more general skills in understanding and creating code. Using app development will help to engage students in STEM subjects and give them a real world application for their coding. With its excellent playground an storyboards, Apple's Xcode is also an excellent program to introduce students to the coding steps.
This course includes:
1. How to code - instructions for a teacher new to coding - these can also be used as a stand alone video to instruct students or as a basis for your own lessons
2. Step by step video lessons - taking students through the basics to coding right through to complex app development
3. Homework videos - to use as flip lessons. These include online quizzes and questions to check students have completed their tasks. These videos go through fundamentals such as variables, while loops and if statements.
4. Help videos - short videos that students can search through. These videos show a variety of skills, including how to add images, google maps, buttons and webpages to their app.
Includes - Free student registrations so all your students can have access to all videos at anytime.
Why use this course: I spent several years sifting the net to teach myself how to make an iPhone app from multiple courses, youtube clips and textbooks. I have then spent two years refining how to teach that content to students without them getting lost or bogged down in syntax. As a result I have developed this course to help teachers save time as all they need is in one location. We use this course in our school with a year 9 STEM elective who has had no experience in coding and it is working brilliantly. This course will show you all you need to know about using Xcode so you can teach your students.
Requirements - To produce your own iPhone app you will need to use a Mac using OS X. You can watch the tutorials and homework videos on any device including mobiles at any time.
Your Instructor

Glenn Carmichael has worked for the past 9 years as a teacher at St Michael’s Collegiate, an independent all girls school in Hobart. With a background Computer Science and Programming, he teaches a variety of year levels in Science and Mathematics. In 2015, Glenn piloted a school program in STEM for Years 9, focusing on app design, programming and marketing. This course has formed part of the ACARA STEM connections project.
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